
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Princess Day! ( August 6th)

On Thursday at noon we left from the church to the lakehouse ( our youth pastor's wife's parents). 20 girls got to go and I was one of them. It was a lot of fun. I haven't been to Eufaula in a long time. I got a huge tan!!!!! We got to learn new verses, hang out, and do bible studies. I had a blast! That was all I could talk about all week. They had a sonic ice machine maker so my mom is soo excited to go in the fall! I haven't written on here in awhile so sorry to keep you waiting. Here's some things that I did this week.

Sunday- we just were lazy around the house. We watched life church tv online, and Carter went to his friends house to stay the night and of course we did our coupon shopping! I will tell you more about that later.
Monday- I had a dentist appointment in Edmond. I went to Dr. Tracy. While we were waiting this girl in front of us went into the girls bathroom. I guess that she stopped up the toilet, so after she came out my mom goes, "I have to got to the restroom," I say ok. She tries to got to the girls bathroom but she couldn't because it was stopped up. Well my mom decided to go into the men's bathroom which there were not men in the waiting room. The girl looked up and her face was like Whoo. Then it was taken care of.
I got into the room and he was cute and nice (at least I thought), but he looked me in the eye and said that it wouldn't be a problem and I just kept smiling and I guess I had been smiling too much my top lip started quivering. It was really embarrasing. He looked at the palate of my mouth and said that he would have to do a biopsy - which ment he was going to take off that dark spot on my palate. He thought it was a freckle, but he just wanted to make sure. Then after the dentist appt we went to Baskin Robbins! I got cookies' n cream!!!! That evening we just relaxed.

Tuesday- Mrs. Dorraine and Mrs. Diana came over to have coffee in the morning and Mrs. Di helped us organize stuff everywhere. It's amazing because she is the bomb on this stuff. Time flew by that day. Lunchtime- We went to KFC to eat. While we were there there were these gay guys and one of the guys that looked like a girl went up the counter and Chloe decides to point it out. She says out loud " Is that a boy or a girl". My mom, Mrs Di, and I shot her a look then later we laughed about it. It was not the greatest service though my corn was still kinda frozen, Mrs Di's chicken was kinda black, and my mom went to the restroom and there was not toilet paper or paper towels. After that we went to McDonalds to get some ice cream, Carter got a shake and there was something wrong with it. It was disgusting. That was how our day was.

Wednesday- Well yesterday it was our annual girls' day. Just my mom and I! We went to Penn Square Mall. I had a gift card for Justice for Girls! My mom helped me pick out several really cute outfits, then we went to Borders to see if thery had the books that my mom wanted. For lunch we went to the Cheesecake Factory! My mom and I always get the Luau salad. It was really good. Around 2:15 that was the time scheduled for my biopsy. I was in the waiting room again praying that it would go ok and that it wouldn't hurt and just to calm me down. The nurse called me back there and I was shivering because I was nervous. The nurse says "are you cold" and I say yes! It was freezing in the surgery center. The nurse was so nice to me. She said, "Hey, girly!" and combs my hair. I mean my family is friends with her cousins, small world huh? They gave me the gas and it kinda helped. Ok, nobody told me I was gonna have to have 3 shots on the tops of my mouth. OW....... It went just great they got it all out and they sent it to the lab. I was so tired I was kinda drowsy and numb. So I took a little siesta but I still looked around at the door to see if Dr. Tracy was coming - there was just a tiny crack in the door. Then I heard my mom go Maddie is very impressed with Dr. Tracy and starts blabbin' and then my mom laughs after she says that. I was like I am going to get back at her - which I am very close to my mom. Then I was out and bleeding tremendously. But, we went to Baskin Robbins again. Then we headed to Quail Springs Mall and I got out and was like where is my coach purse? I left it at the Cheesecake Factory oh noo! So we didn't get to go in to Quail Springs but we went to Super Target and the prices were horrible - 4.00 dollars for 1 pint of blueberries. We could get 4 things of strawberries for the price of one at Walmart. So we went there that evening and got some goceries. That day was too good to last!

Today I will post later. I do not know what we are going to do today.

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