
Saturday, July 11, 2009


This afternoon I watched a show called "The Singing Bee". It was so cool and I would suggest that you watch it. Anyway this evening we went to a party and swam at our friends house and had a lot of fun! My sister swam away in the pool well with her floaties, and she did a great job. Carter played with his friends, and mom just hung out with her buddies. I was the oldest girl there, but that's OK I had a lot of fun with the 4 other little girls that were there. This blog is my journal so I will tell you guys if I have had a bad day, sad day, or a happy one. Also my dad has a toothache that's giving him a bad headache so just have him in your prayers. Tomorrow we are going to church so I will post tomorrow! Thanks!

P.S. The 50% reduced sugar cake was good, but I was not fond of the reduced sugar icing. Let me know if you make it and how it turns out.

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