
Saturday, July 11, 2009


If you want to post anything, then you go down to the bottom of the screen and click the comments button and post. This evening we are going to one of our friends house to swim I will post how it goes later. Also I made a bundt cake today so I will post a pic of it. Don't let Chloe's face fool you because she didn't make it. She just wanted a pic with it. I started to make it around 9:30 this morning and ended around 11:45. YIKES! Its the reduced sugar brand yellow cake and reduced sugar chocolate icing. Which we didn't have to get but there were coupons involved so why not! We got it free! It has been amazing to see who all comes on here. If you click on the "Watch in real time" button then you can see who all is coming on. OK there has been people from New York, Brazil, Hong Kong, and North Carolina. Yea! I will post later thanks!

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